Howdy! We drove To Brunswick to close on the boat and stayed at my favorite LaQuinta again. The closing was uneventful and the next thing you know, we were moving all of our stuff onto the boat! I was a little reluctant to get on board. Poppa even tried to coax me with my favorite treats, Nubz, and a ramp. Uh uh. No way! I’m not Scooby Do and it was going to take more than treat to get me on that boat! Momma and Poppa were patient at first, but after a bit, Poppa and our new boat neighbor ended up lifting me onto the swim platform. It wasn’t so bad. Not sure why I was so scarred. Now I hop off and on the boat no problem.

The first days on the boat weren’t much fun. The boat was really dirty inside and out so there was lots of cleaning and not much play time for me. After Momma felt like the boat was clean enough to take a break, we took a break and went exploring. We walked all around the docks and in the marina one day. Other days we’d go to St. Simmons Island or into Burnswick. July was pretty warm, and the dock was really hot. Momma said that since she couldn’t stand barefooted on the dock that my feet might burn, so I had to wear shoes somedays. So weird, but I guess they are all right. I kicked them off every chance I could.
The distance from the boat to where I could potty was a pretty long walk. After hopping off the boat, we had to walk down the pier, up another pier, past the restaurant, and to the other side of the parking lot to 5′ strip of grass. It wasn’t too bad, but more than once i almost didn’t make it. Most of the time we walked down a side street next to the marina that ran next to the causway. Didn’t see too many cars there and was a nice little walk. This part of Georgia has more palm tress and shrubs which means there were rarely any sticks for me to play with. The leaves from the palm trees were pretty fun. Keep in mind that not all palms are dog friendly. Sago palms are poisonous: the ones that are short and have leaves made of smaller leaves (almost like a feather or a fern). But the ones on this street were ok.
Epworth Dog Park was only 5 minutes away, so I got to play and run most days. Epworth was clean, had shade, and we had a good time. Sometimes after the park we’d go walk around St Simmons Island and get dinner. Momma and Poppa really like PORCH because it was ok for me to sit outside and they had really good hot chicken. Pffffp, not like I’d know. Morning Star Marina felt safe and was pretty at night. We really loved St. Simons Island.
We met lots of great people at Morning Star Marina, but had to leave because we needed to find someone to help with the items on the inspection list. We booked the haul out with Tiger Point Marina and left Morning Star early on July 29, 2021.
Hopefully our paths will cross with Brian and Leann, Sally, Cap, Captain Matt and Matthew, Bob, Paul, and all the other great people we met.
Lots of love,